The San Mateo City average house price rose in line with previous quarters, but the San Mateo City median house price spiked up. The details of San Mateo real estate show that in the third quarter, the average size of houses sold was up 10%. Examination of other San Mateo County cities
City Attempts To Block SB 9
Many cities are attempting to block Senate Bill 9 (SB 9). Although the attempts are often attacked for being “not in my back yard” (NIMBY), the efforts to block SB 9 don’t seem to originate from city residents. City Planning Departments and Architectural Review Boards (ARBs) appear to be behind the
Drought Tolerant Landscape
The "Lawn Be Gone" rebate offers up to $4 per sq. ft. of lawn which is replaced by drought-tolerant plants from the BAWSCA Approved Plant List. The list includes more than 2500 plants There are several related rebate programs for San Mateo County which might significantly reduce the cost of
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